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The National Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics established social justice as a core value of the profession and calls on social workers to promote social change through social and political action.


This website was developed to help provide the resources necessary so we, as social workers, can become more active in the fight to pursue social change.  The information and tools that have been collected can assist social workers participate in activist efforts, lobby for policy change, and incorporate social justice principles into their practice. 


Together, we can challenge the injustices that impact us, our clients, and society at large. 


 "Social workers should engage in social and political action that seeks to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully.

Social workers should be aware of the impact of the political arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions to meet basic human needs and promote social justice."

NASW Code of Ethics, Section 6.04

Chalk writing on the street near the Geo


“Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.” 
National Association of Social Workers


What is Social Justice?

What prevents social workers from getting involved with social change efforts?

Examples of barriers that research has found to exist within the profession that have prevented social workers from participating in frequent social and political action:

  • Lack of a clear definition of "social justice" for the profession leads to confusion of how to participate

  • Clinical micro-level coursework in social work education does not provide enough information or practice on getting involved in activism

  • High caseloads and large amount of daily job responsibilities leads to social workers being too "burned out" to volunteer more of their time to a cause

  • Participation in passive action is misconstrued as being "enough" 

  • Social workers feeling unqualified to participate in politics

How can help:

Providing up-to-date information and resources specifically for social workers  to conveniently learn more about social justice issues.

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Providing tools to help you get actively involved


Other Important Key Terms and Definitions:


To learn more about social and political action & their defintions:

My current desk setup as of 2016_edited.

Not a social worker?
Advance social justice with us.

Social justice is not just a social work responsibility, it is a collective effort that should be advocated for across all professional disciplines and requires passion, diversity, and collaboration.

While this website was built to assist social workers pursue 

social change, the information found within the resource pages and tools can assist anyone get advance social justice. When browsing through this resource, apply what you learn to your daily work in your profession. 

Thank you for visiting and for sharing any knowledge you may have to contribute to this resource. 


Although this resource website was created to help advance social justice, it is acknowledged in the spirit of self-reflexivity and transparency that the creator's positionality as a nondisabled, college-educated, white woman has influenced the website development. Knowing the impact that this identity and unintentional bias that comes from this positionality, several steps were taken to reduce bias. The resources collected to share were reviewed to ensure the representation of authors/content creators from diverse backgrounds. In addition, information in a variety of formats were included within the website to facilitate accessibility to the content. Future content will be added as a part of a collaboration with other social workers, with diverse backgrounds and practice specializations. All website visitors are encouraged to share their resources and tools that they have found or used so that diverse content and perspectives can be represented on this resource website. welcomes all supportive feedback to help this website grow as an inclusive, accessible, and educational space for all. 

It is with gratitude and humility that it is acknowledged that this website was developed on the ancestral and unceded territory of the  Piscataway People. Please join in remembering the Indigenous Peoples' histories and sacred connection to this region. We honor the Piscataway Elders and other Indigenous caretakers of these lands, the Indigenous Peoples today, and generations to come.

Land Acknowledgment



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