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Letter Templates

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

Getting started with the letter writing process can seem a bit daunting. We have provided templates to assist you in getting started! Below you will find the templates that you can copy and paste into the editor of your choice or you can download it in Microsoft Word format so you can get typing right away.

If you are looking to find some tips on effective letter writing, you can check out our guide HERE.

If you need help figuring out what legislator to write to, you can use our "Find My Legislator" search tool found HERE.

Template #1: Letter

(Month) (Day), (Year)

The Honorable (First name) (Last name)

(Legislator Office Address)

(City), (State) (Zip Code)

RE: (insert topic, bill number, or policy name that you are writing about)

Dear (Assembly Member/Representative/Senator) (Legislator Last name):

My name is (Name) and I am a social worker who lives in your district. I am writing to urge you to (action you want the legislator to take).

(Describe why you support/oppose the bill or other issue, or your position on a topic. Include facts here regarding the issue and population it impacts)

(Include personal or professional anecdotes. Why is this issue important to you? How does it affect you, your family, or your clients?)

(Ask for specific action from the legislator: how do you want them to vote on a bill or what do you want them to do?)

(Thank them for their consideration on this topic and invite them to reach out to discuss issue further if they would like. You may also ask them for a response, but do not expect one.)


Your Signature

Printed Name, (put your credentials at the end)

Street address

City, State, Zip code

Phone Number

Download the Microsoft Word file here:

Download DOCX • 13KB


Template #2: Letter


The Honorable (Full Name)

(Room #) (Name) (Senate or House) Office Building

United States (Senate or House of Representatives)

Washington, DC (20510 for Senate; 20515 for House)

My name is [First Name] [Last Name] and I am a social worker that resides in [City, State]. As your constituent, I am writing to you today to discuss [topic/bill number/policy name] with you. I urge you to consider [supporting/opposing] [bill number/policy name] at the vote at the [Senate/ House of Representatives] on [Date of Vote].

[Provide factual information regarding the bill/policy/topic and the impacts of supporting/opposing it has on specific populations.]

[Support these facts with details from your professional or personal experience]

For these reasons, I ask that you please vote to [support or oppose] [specific bill number or policy]. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this issue further.


(Your Signature)

(Your Name and Credentials)

(Your Title)

(Your Address)

(City, State Zip Code)

(Phone Number)

Download the Microsoft Word file here:

Letter Template 2_ASJ
Download DOCX • 17KB


Template #3: Email

Email Subject: Please (Support/Oppose) (Bill Number or Name)!

Dear (Assembly Member/Representative/Senator) (Legislator Last name):

As a social worker and constituent, I am writing to urge you to (action you want the legislator to take).

(Describe why you support/oppose the bill or other issue, or your position on a topic. Include facts here regarding the issue and population it impacts)

(Include personal or professional anecdotes. Why is this issue important to you? How does it affect you, your family, or your clients?)

(Ask for specific action from the legislator: how do you want them to vote on a bill or what do you want them to do?)

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Your Name and Credentials

Your Title

Street address

City, State, Zip code

Phone Number

Download the Microsoft Word file here:

Download DOCX • 13KB

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