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Phone Script Templates

If you are struggling to figure out what to say on a phone call to a legislator or just would like to see a sample of what you could say, we have developed some scripts to help guide you while you are on the phone. Below you will find phone scripts that you can copy and paste into the editor of your choice to prepare before you call or you can download it in Microsoft Word format to save for later.

If you are looking to find some tips on how to make an effective phone call, you can check out our guide HERE.

If you need help figuring out what legislator to call or how to contact them, you can use our "Find My Legislator" search tool found HERE.

Phone Call Template #1

When speaking to a legislative secretary/staffer/aide:

“Hello, I am (NAME), a social worker and a constituent of (LEGISLATORS NAME). I currently live in (CITY, STATE) and I am calling regarding (SPECIFIC BILL, POLICY). I am calling to urge (LEGISLATOR NAME) to (SUPPORT or OPPOSE) (BILL, POLICY) because (INSERT BRIEF REASONING). I would like to know that I can count on (LEGISLATORS NAME) to (SUPPORT/OPPOSE) (BILL OR POLICY) during the vote on (MONTH AND DAY OF VOTE). Thank you for your time.

If you get to speak to the legislator directly:

Hello, my name is (NAME) and I am your constituent that lives in (CITY, STATE). I am calling you to ask you to (SUPPORT/OPPOSE) (BILL OR POLICY NAME).


For these reasons, I am urging you to (SUPPORT OR OPPOSE) (BILL OR POLICY) during the vote on (MONTH AND DAY OF VOTE). Thank you for your time and for considering my request for your support.

Download the Microsoft Word file here:

Download DOCX • 16KB


Phone Call Template #2

When speaking to a legislative secretary/staffer/aide:

“Hello, I am (NAME), a resident of (CITY/STATE). I am calling to share my concern with (LEGISLATOR NAME) regarding (SPECIFIC BILL, POLICY, OR ISSUE).

When you are connected to the legislator, an aide, or staffer:

“Hello, I am (NAME), a resident of (CITY/STATE). I am calling to share my concerns about (SPECIFIC BILL, POLICY, OR ISSUE). As both a resident and a social worker, this bill is important to me because (DISCUSS YOUR REASONING BRIEFLY and WITH FACTS). (SUPPORTING or OPPOSING) this bill will demonstrate your commitment to improving the lives of others and protecting your constituents. Please (SUPPORT/OPPOSE) (SPECIFIC BILL OR POLICY) when it comes up for vote on (DATE OF VOTE). Thank you for your time and consideration on this topic.

Download the Microsoft Word file here:

Download DOCX • 16KB

Here is a list of organizations that have other phone scripts and templates written for you to check out:

It is with gratitude and humility that it is acknowledged that this website was developed on the ancestral and unceded territory of the  Piscataway People. Please join in remembering the Indigenous Peoples' histories and sacred connection to this region. We honor the Piscataway Elders and other Indigenous caretakers of these lands, the Indigenous Peoples today, and generations to come.

Land Acknowledgment



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